Vote for RALPH GROVES, the Libertarian Party candidate in Florida’s 11th Congressional District
I'm Ralph Groves, recent Chairman of the Libertarian Party of Orange County.
Ralph Groves’ Main Positions
Meet Ralph Groves
Goal: Libertarian Party of Florida candidacy for congressional office
Work Experience: Retired since 2018; active in civic matters, especially the Libertarian Party of Florida; authorship of books under the auspices of Groves & Associates Research.
1999 – 2018: Department of Defense, civilian analyst for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
Security clearance: Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information
1999 – 2015, Royal Air Force Base, Molesworth, England – Analyst of social, economic, and political matters of Francophone West African countries: Cote d’Ivoire, Mali, and Senegal – including the insurgency in Casamance.
Awarded The Joint Civilian Service Commendation Award, 2015
2015 – 2018, DIA Headquarters, Bolling Air Force Base, Washington DC, including a one-year assignment at the Pentagon – Analyst of social, economic, and political matters of Iran. Main accomplishments: Contributed to several Presidential Daily Briefings for President Trump on Iran’s internal matters, especially on the 2017 – 2018 protests against the Islamist regime; Lead analyst of relations between Iran and Armenia.
Book: Soviet Raison d’état and Relations with Iran’s Communist Parties, 1920-1979
Article “A Clash of Systems: An Analytical Framework to Demystify the Radical Islamist Threat”, Parameters, U.S. Army War College (Reprinted as Chapter 8 in Book: U.S. Marines and Irregular Warfare, 1898 – 2007
Novel set in Cote d’Ivoire: The Romance of the Lantana and Edelweiss Flowers

Ralph Groves resides in Ocoee; married to a disabled wife; They have 5 children, 3 grandchildren, and sponsor 2 Haitian children and 1 West African child.
As a Congressman, Ralph Groves will work with Florida State Legislators to ensure that Washington will assist Florida. For example, he will ensure that the Environmental Protection Agency provides Florida with more grants for safe drinking water, e.g. to eliminate lead in water. In addition, he will ensure that Coast Guard funding is increased to enable response to hurricanes in Florida. Further, he will push for the abolishment of the War on Drugs due to its failure to reduce illicit drug usage and its inherent disproportionate punishment of minority people. In Washington, Ralph Groves will also strive to prevent tyrannical vaccine mandates as a response to future pandemics.