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Ralph Groves’ Main Positions

Vote for RALPH GROVES, the Libertarian Party candidate in Florida’s 11th Congressional District

❖ Pro-life.  Ralph Groves believes in encouraging a culture of life to protect babies and eliminate human trafficking, especially sexual exploitation.  A culture of life should encourage women to keep and nurture their babies with help from private and Church-related pro-life agencies.   Such agencies that help pregnant women and mothers of newborns should be protected.  In extreme cases, abortion should be decided by women and their doctors, not government.  Government exclusion from abortion means no government funding for Planned Parenthood.  For the safety of women, rare abortions should be done in hospitals, not in outside clinics.  Ralph Groves is mindful that our Declaration of Independence called Life an unalienable right.  He once met Dr. Alveda King, a niece of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, and heard her say that without Life all other rights are meaningless.

❖ Anti-war.  Ralph Groves is your anti-war candidate.  Generally, he follows the Libertarian Party’s principle that the U.S. should avoid involvement in foreign conflicts.  This belief is reinforced by his experience as a veteran of the Iraq War, a conflict that did not benefit the U.S.  Concerning the war in Ukraine, he calls for an immediate cease-fire with mediated peace talks, and opposes deepening of U.S. support for Ukraine, preferring our European allies – e.g. Germany, France, Poland, and the United Kingdom – to do more to counter Russian aggression.   

❖ Pro-U.S. Defense Industries.  Ralph Groves believes U.S. defense industries should be allocated increased funding to restock our military that provided much equipment to Ukraine.  Pertaining to Florida, his veteran status leads him to support Defend the Guard advocates, who strive to keep the Florida National Guard at home rather than allowing the Federal Government to deploy it to Ukraine or other overseas locations.  He believes we need the Guard in Florida when hurricanes impact us. 

❖ Pro-legal immigration.  Ralph Groves’ mother was an immigrant.  He believes legal, regulated immigration boosts our economy and bolsters our population, which otherwise would be in decline.  Contrariwise, illegal and unregulated migration stresses our communities, hospitals, and schools.  He believes in simplified, reasonable immigration processes to enhance legal, regulated immigration.

❖ Pro-gun ownership.  Ralph Groves is a gun-owner and a member of Gun Owners of America.  He believes self-defense is a natural right.  This right is codified in the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.  More broadly, he favors upholding our natural rights of freedom of speech, of religion, and all the other rights codified in our Constitution.

❖ For equal justice for all, the FBI and DOJ should be de-politicized.  The capable, honest employees of those agencies should serve us Americans without carrying out the partisan political agendas of their leaders.  There should be no government surveillance of religious establishments and their parishioners.  People naturally have freedom of religion, as protected by the 1st Amendment.  This includes all denominations of all religions.

 ❖ Abolish the Federal Department of Education.  Each state, including Florida, should manage education without Federal Government regulations.  In addition, a broad range of options should be available to parents, including a voucher system and homeschooling.

❖ Uphold beneficial programs that Americans have already paid for and are still paying for.  In Washington, Ralph Groves will uphold Social Security and Medicare, and will call for reduction of Federal taxes to stimulate the economy.  Such stimulus will boost revenues for Social Security and Medicare while helping to reduce the Federal deficit.  Lower Federal taxes will increase peoples’ spending power that will stimulate competition and eventually reduce prices.  Lower taxes, as well as decreased regulation, will spur job growth and economic development in Florida.  In addition, for the proximate future, the U.S. will depend on fossil fuels.  An increase in fossil fuel output will lower costs of transport and prices of all products based on petrochemicals.  Transition to “green energy” will take decades to accomplish.       

© 2023 by Ralph Groves

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