Goal: Libertarian Party of Florida candidacy for congressional office
Work Experience: Retired since 2018; active in civic matters, especially the Libertarian Party of Florida; authorship of books under the auspices of Groves & Associates Research.
1999 – 2018: Department of Defense, civilian analyst for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
Security clearance: Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information
1999 – 2015: Royal Air Force Base, Molesworth, England – Analyst of social, economic, and political matters of Francophone West African countries: Cote d’Ivoire, Mali, and Senegal – including the insurgency in Casamance. . Utilized knowledge of French language. Deployed to U.S. Embassies in Abidjan, Bamako, and Dakar to work with U.S. Defense Attachés. Main accomplishments: Predicted the 1999 rebellion in Cote d’Ivoire ahead of the entire Intelligence Community; Was the lead analyst of the Casamance insurgency for the Intelligence Community; Advised DIA Headquarters about potential threats to President Obama prior to his 2013 visit to Senegal; Composed Congressional Testimonies, submitted to U.S. Congress via Commander, U.S. Africa Command, on Cote d’Ivoire and Mali; Represented Dakar’s U.S. Defense Attaché in Nouakchott, Mauritania.
Awarded The Joint Civilian Service Commendation Award, 2015
2015 – 2018: DIA Headquarters, Bolling Air Force Base, Washington DC, including a one-year assignment at the Pentagon – Analyst of social, economic, and political matters of Iran. Main accomplishments: Contributed to several Presidential Daily Briefings for President Trump on Iran’s internal matters, especially on the 2017 – 2018 protests against the Islamist regime; Lead analyst of relations between Iran and Armenia.
Military Duty prior to civilian DIA employment: Military Intelligence, two years in the U.S. and four years at Headquarters, U.S. Army Europe, Heidelberg, Germany. Participated in Operation Agile Lion 98 and Operation Agile Lion 99. Composed an assessment of radical Islamist threats for U.S. Army War College.
Awarded two Army Commendation Medals
Maintained U.S. Army affiliation via the 7th Army Reserve Command (7th ARCOM) concurrent with DIA employment until retirement from Army Reserve in 2010.
Recalled to active duty, 2008 – 2009, for duty in the Iraq War with the 209th Army Liaison Team of the 7th ARCOM. As staff officer in Baghdad, assigned to briefing team for General Petraeus and to Red Team, which assessed malign actions of countries that border on Iraq. Red Team assessments presented in person to General Petraeus.
Awarded Defense Meritorious Service Medal, 2009
Previous Employement
Contract Administrator in several companies: Hughes Aircraft Company (California); Iran Electronics Industries (Tehran and Shiraz, Iran); Sperry Corporation (NY); and Northrop Grumman (NY)
Doctor of Arts, History, St. John’s University – studied under President’s fellowship
M.A., Middle East Studies, Columbia University – studied under scholarship
M.A., Political Science, California State University – Political Science Honor Society
B.A., History, University of New Hampshire
Foreign Language Abilities
Conversant in French, Armenian, and Persian; touristic knowledge of German; currently learning Spanish.
Book: Soviet Raison d’état and Relations with Iran’s Communist Parties, 1920-1979
Article “A Clash of Systems: An Analytical Framework to Demystify the Radical Islamist Threat”, Parameters, U.S. Army War College (Reprinted as Chapter 8 in Book: U.S. Marines and Irregular Warfare, 1898 – 2007
Novel set in Cote d’Ivoire: The Romance of the Lantana and Edelweiss Flowers
Article “Ethnicity and Political Crisis in Cote d’Ivoire”, South African Journal of International Affairs
Article, “Variants in Khayyamic Poetry”, Indo-Iranica journal (reprinted in Islamic Culture journal)
Article, “Iran’s Policy Towards Sub-Saharan Africa”, Indo-Iranica journal
Monograph, “The Cold War in Afghanistan: Soviet Ascendancy in Afghan Aid”, Afghanistan Forum

Civil Activities
2018 – present, member, American Legion, Florida
2019 – 2022, Chairman, Libertarian Party of Orange County, Florida
1991 – 1996, Chairman, Mid-Island Conservatives, Long Island, NY
1982, Candidate for Congress, Conservative and Right-to-Life Parties, against Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro, 9th Congressional District, NY